Leaders of Thought: Brendan Wood International Announces The Results
of Its Search For The Best Investment Minds for the Dutch Market
Toronto, ON, January 10, 2012 (TOPGUN PRESS) – Performance and Career Advisory firm
Brendan Wood International has recently concluded this year’s worldwide search for the best-of-the-
best investment minds active in the Dutch market.
This year’s TopGuns are cited as those who have deep insight into the “leading” Dutch
companies and global sensitivity to multiple sectors. In recent years, the virtue of patience, a
hallmark of the traditional investment excellence, has been somewhat underappreciated. A major
world crisis drove investors to the level of unacceptable risk. Patient money managers suffered
the pangs and even though they were vindicated, by that time many of their clients and their
market charisma were gone!
The 11 TopGun Investment Minds (in alphabetical order):
Andrew Lynch: Schroder Investment Management
Brad Moldin : Fidelity Investments
Christian Vondenbusch; Robeco Group
Dennis Van Wees: Farringdon Capital Management
Erik Esselink: Invesco Ltd
Henry Guest: Adelphi Capital Management
Jan Luschen: ING
Jan-Willem Brommersma : APG Group
Jeroen Bos: ING
Marcel Jongen: Adelphi Capital Management
Thijs Hovers: Lucerne Capital Management, LLC.
BWI’s Panel of Analysts consists of 600 global sell-side analysts from 65 firms,
representing over 90% of equity trading. Investigative debriefings with these analysts
occur on an ongoing basis. The results are based upon votes from the most recent 12
months. More than 1000 nominations were received from Global focused
counterparties. TopGuns were those with the greatest number of votes.
Also listed are a further 10 professionals who have received numerous mentions and are in the
running for TopGun status in 2012.
In The Marathon for Next Year (in alphabetical order):
Arnoud Diemers: ABN AMRO Bank NV
Darren Starr: UBS Global Asset Management
Edward Donohue: One Investments
Geert-Jan Hoppers: Delta Lloyd NV
Herman Bots: APG Group
Jan Willem Vis: BNP Paribas
Johan Levavasseur: SAC Capital Advisors
Patricia Biggers: Lazard
Philipp Endemann: Citadel Asset Management
Wahid Butt: Capital Research & Management
Mr. Ajay Walia
+416 924 8110
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